Spring 2023 Group picture

picture of group of 6 students and faculty - February 2023

From left to right: Tommy Zhang (Chem. MS student), George Hedlund (FIS MS student), Natalie Sellnau (2021 FIS MS, now PhD student), Maddie Page (1st year PhD Student), Ore Cherebin (2021 Chem. MS, now PhD student), Dr. Frédérique Deiss (PI), Carolina Guimaraes Vega (5th year PhD student)

Spring 2022 Group picture!

From left to right: Ore Cherebin (Chemistry MS 2021, PhD student), Haley Gill (BME undergraduate), Tommy Zhang (Chemistry Master student) , George Hedlund (FIS Master student), Carolina Vega (PhD student), Natalie Sellnau (FIS MS 2021, Chemistry PhD student), Dr Frédérique Deiss (PI). (Thanks to Dr Porter, our volunteer photographer 😉 )