Spring 2023 Group picture

picture of group of 6 students and faculty - February 2023

From left to right: Tommy Zhang (Chem. MS student), George Hedlund (FIS MS student), Natalie Sellnau (2021 FIS MS, now PhD student), Maddie Page (1st year PhD Student), Ore Cherebin (2021 Chem. MS, now PhD student), Dr. Frédérique Deiss (PI), Carolina Guimaraes Vega (5th year PhD student)

Spring 2022 Group picture!

From left to right: Ore Cherebin (Chemistry MS 2021, PhD student), Haley Gill (BME undergraduate), Tommy Zhang (Chemistry Master student) , George Hedlund (FIS Master student), Carolina Vega (PhD student), Natalie Sellnau (FIS MS 2021, Chemistry PhD student), Dr Frédérique Deiss (PI). (Thanks to Dr Porter, our volunteer photographer 😉 )

AC/DC 1st Research Seminar

D I V E R S I T Y , E Q U I T Y , A N D I N C L U S I O N
I N A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y Twitter: @DEI_AnalChem

Please join us for the inaugural ACDC research seminar by Prof. Shelley Minteer (U. Utah). 

Wednesday, September 23rd @ 1:00 pm EST, ADCD Colloquium followed by an “ask the experts” session.  Prof. Minteer will present Electroanalytical Techniques for Enzymology. After the seminar, Minteer lab members will remain online and answer questions about the techniques presented. This 30-minute session is a great time to ask questions and possibly spark a collaboration.

For more info and meeting links visit:

Welcome to Natalie Sellnau…

Natalie Sellnau is starting her FIS Master Thesis Chemistry with us this week. She obtained her BS in Chemistry at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point in May 2019.

She will be working on developing electrochemical platforms for forensic applications such as electrochemical detection of fentanyl.

Welcome on board!

Interested in joining the group?


We have an opening for a post-doctoral research in particularly for the area of Electrochemiluminescence and/or microfluidics.

A background in electroanalytical chemistry is strongly preferred.

If you have an interest in joining the Deiss lab, please send an email to Dr. Deiss with an updated CV and a short statement about your relevant research experience, your predicted contribution to the group and your long term professional goals.

There are also opportunities for graduate students to join the research group. Find more information on the IUPUI Chemistry website : https://chemistry.iupui.edu/department-chemistry-chemical-biology/graduate. You will need to apply to the IUPUI Chemistry program.

You can email Dr Deiss separately if you want more information about being a graduate student in the Deiss Research group.

Undergraduate students with strong interest in research and solid commitment are considered every semester depending on the number of current undergraduate students in the group.

If you are interested in joining the lab, please contact Dr. Deiss by e-mail or stop by her office in LD326.

Group picture…

From left to right: Dr Tiyash Bode (PDF with IBRI), Carolina G. Vega (PhD student), Armelle Metangmo (Master student), Dr Frédérique Deiss (PI), Kiyomi Kukoyi (DSRP Undergraduate), M. Regina Barron (Undergraduate), Monica Barron (Undergraduate).