
23. Woollam, M. ; Grocki, P.; Schulz, E. ; Siegel, A.P.; Deiss, F.; Agarwal, M., Evaluating polyvinylidene fluoride – carbon black composites as solid phase microextraction coatings for the detection of urinary volatile organic compounds by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, J. Chromatogr. A, 2022, 1685, 463606. DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2022.463606

22. Basu, P.; Deiss, F.; Long. E., Achieving DEIR and Safety Awareness in a Chemistry Graduate Program: “Safety, Inclusivity & Diversity Talks” (“SID Talks”) as Part of a Colloquium Series, Chem. Ed., 2022, 99, 353-358. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00434

21. Matochko, W. L.; Deiss, F.; Yang, Y.; Derda R., Reproducible Discovery of Cell-Binding Peptides “Lost” in Bulk Amplification via Emulsion Amplification in Phage Display Panning, bioRxiv, 2021, 10.31.466683. doi: DOI: 10.1101/2021.10.31.466683

20. Woollam, M.; Grocki, P.; Anguarita Rivera, P.; Siegel, A.P.; Deiss, F.; Agarwal, M., Comparing the Selectivity of Solid Phase Microextraction Fibers to Detect Volatile Organic Compounds,” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Design & Test of Integrated Micro & Nano-Systems (DTS), 2021, 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/DTS52014.2021.9497897

19. Masterson, A. N.; Muhoberac, B. B.; Gopinadhan, A.; Wilde, D. J.; Deiss, F.; John, C. C.; Sardar, R., Multiplexed and High-throughput Label-Free Detection of RNA/Spike Protein/IgG/IgM Biomarkers of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Utilizing Nanoplasmonic Biosensors, Chem., 2021, 93 (25), 8754–8763. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c05300

18. Pugia, M.; Bose, T.; Tijoe, M.; Frabutt, D.; Baird, Z.; Cao, Z.; Vorsilak A.; McLuckey, I.; Barron, M. R.; Barron, M. P.; Denys, G.; Carpenter, J.; Das, A.; Kaur, K.; Roy, S.; Sen, C. K.; Deiss, F., Multiplexed Signal Ion Emission Reactive Release Amplification (SIERRA) Assay for the Culture-Free Detection of Gram Negative and Gram Positive Bacteria and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes, Chem., 2021, 93 (17), 6604–6612 (supplemental cover) DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c00453

17. Masterson, A. N.; Liyanage, T.; Kaimakliotis, H.; Gholami Derami, H.; Deiss, F.; Sardar, R., Bottom-Up Fabrication of Plasmonic Nanoantenna-Based High-throughput Multiplexing Biosensors for Ultrasensitive Detection of microRNAs Directly from Cancer Patients’ Plasma, Chem., 2020, 92 (13), 9295–9304, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.0c01639

16. Baird, Z.; Barron, M. R.; Z. Cao, Z.; Vorsilak A.; Deiss, F.; Pugia, M., Enumeration of rare cells in whole blood by signal ion emission reactive release amplification (SIERRA) with same-sample RNA analysis, Chem., 2019, 91, 2028-2034. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.8b04446

15. Deiss, F.; Yang, Y.; Matochko, W.; Derda, R., Heat-enhanced peptide synthesis on Teflon-patterned paper, Org. Biomol. Chem, 2016, 14, 5148-5156. DOI: 10.1039/C6OB00898D

Before joining IUPUI:

14. Tjhung, K.; Deiss, F.; Tran, J.; Chou, Y.; Derda, R., Intra-domain phage display (ID-PhD) of peptides and mini-domain proteins censored from canonical pIII phage display, Front. Microbiol., 2015, 6:340

13. Burnham, S.; Hu, J.; Anany, H.; Brovko, L.; Deiss, F.; Derda, R.; Griffiths, M.W., Towards rapid on-site phage-mediated detection of generic Escherichia coli in water using luminescent and visual readout, Anal. Bioanal.Chem., 2014, 406, (23), 5685-5693

12. Deiss, F; Matochko, WL.; Govindasamy, N.; Lin, EY.; Derda, R.  Flow-Through Synthesis on Teflon-Patterned Paper To Produce Peptide Arrays for Cell-Based Assays, Angewandte Chemie, 2014, 53, 6374-6377 (‘Hot paper’; back cover)

11. Deiss, F.; Huacca, MF.; Bal, J.; Tjhung, KF.; Derda R Antimicrobial susceptibility assays in paper-based portable culture devices, Lab Chip, 2014, 14, 167-171, (back cover)

10. Deiss, F.; Mazzeo, A.; Lee, E.; Ingber, D.; Derda, R.; Whitesides, G. M. A Platform for High-Throughput Testing of the Effect of Soluble Compounds on 3D Cell Cultures, Anal. Chem., 2013, 85, 8085–8094

9. Descamps, E.; Duroure, N.; Deiss, F.; Leichle, T.; Adam, C.; Mailley, P.; Ait-Ikhlef, A.; Livache, T.; Nicu, L.; Sojic, N., Functionalization of optical nanotip arrays with an electrochemical microcantilever for multiplexed DNA detection. Lab Chip, 2013, 13, 2956-2962

8. Deiss, F.; Laurent, S.; Descamps, E.; Livache, T.; Sojic, N. Opto-electrochemical nanosensor array for remote DNA detection, Analyst, 2011, 136, 327-331

7. Nie, Z.; Deiss, F.; Liu, X.; Akbulut, O.; Whitesides, G. M. Integration of paper-based microfluidic devices with commercial electrochemical readers, Lab Chip, 2010, 10, 3163-3169

6. Deiss, F.; Combellas, C.; Fretigny, C.; Sojic, N.; Kanoufi, F. Lithography by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy with a Multiscaled Electrode, Anal. Chem., 2010, 82, 5169-5175

5. Deiss, F.; Stoddart, P.; Sojic, N. Nanostructured optical fiber bundles for high-density biochemical sensing and remote imaging, Anal. Bioanalchem., 2010, 396, 53-71

4. Aouani, H.; Deiss, F.; Wenger, J.; Ferrand, P.; Sojic, N.; Rigneault, H. Optical-fiber-microsphere for remote fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, Opt. Express, 2009, 17, 19085-19092

3. Zamuner, M.; Talaga, D.; Deiss, F.; Guieu, V.; Kuhn, A.; Ugo, P.; Sojic, N. Fabrication of a Macroporous Microwell Array for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, Adv. Funct. Mat., 2009, 19, 3129-3135

2. Deiss, F.; LaFratta, C. N.; Symer, M.; Blicharz, T. M.; Sojic, N.; Walt, D. R. Multiplexed sandwich immunoassays using electrochemiluminescence imaging resolved at the single bead level, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2009, 131, 6088-6089

1. Gillies, E. R.; Deiss, F.; Staedel, C.; Schmitter, J.-M.; Huc, I. Development and biological assessment of fully water soluble helical aromatic amide foldamers, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 4081-4084

Book Chapter: Deiss, F.; Yang, Y.; Derda, R., Parallel syntheses of peptides on Teflon-patterned paper arrays (SyntArrays) in Microarray technology and its application by Li, P. C. H.; Sedighi, A.; Wang, L., Springer, 2016, Volume 1368 of the series Methods in Molecular Biology, pp 249-271

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